I gave this to my niece who absolutely loved it. It was easy to use, safe for her to explore and feel like she was using a real phone. I didn't have to worry about her getting on websites that are not child friendly.
Great little toy for kids
This was a hit with our 3 year old. She loves having her own phone to take pictures with and it’s a perfect size for her. I love the long lanyard so she can wear it around her neck
Love it!
Bought this for my daughter's 5th birthday she is going to absolutely love it! Can't wait to give it to her at her party this weekend!
Stacy Ram
Fun Toy
Bought this for my 5 year old daughter and she has yet to put it down. Fun games and has been working as expected. Now my 6 year old son would like one too.
Cute and Kid User Friendly
This toy phone is very cute, perfect size for little hands, and very kid user friendly. Our children love all the games and especially the camera features. Finally I don’t have to worry about 1000 photos on my own phone as they have their own.